
Saturday, 17 April 2010

Sport 1

Since my leg injured cannot wear sport shoes, I decided to test the camera borrowed from Hamdan. The results is astonishing. The result compare to digital compact camera is totally two different quality.

Here are some example photos I took last week. With the wide lens, the photo became more... for me is more nicer since it can capture a wide range of objects in near nor far.

With AF, we must hold half way and wait for the action.

Trying the macro is really very beautiful the photos.

Using the wide lens cause the view that I can put all the players in one view.

This is the wide lens advantages

By using the wide lens, you can take photo of the whole object by standing very near.

Sunday, 4 April 2010

The Amazing Race Varsity

The official Banner for this Amazing Race Varsity

This program is host by University Malaya student who undergoing their last semester subject which cover this program. This Amazing Race Varsity is organized for the colleges and universities around Klang Valley. As my college sponsored only 2 team, my lecturer get the opportunities for our batch student.

First team was PSA Warrior which included me, Loon, Goo and leaded by Ong. While the second team include, Hapiz, Sadaam, Arvin and leaded by Farid. We are the only teams who have lecturer lead us to the game, En.Azlizul and En.Mu'ammar.

Actually we much reach UM between 3pm to 5pm for registration, but the organizer allowed to reach there at anytime since other will travel far and traffic jam. We start our journey with my college bus at 6.30pm and reach there around 8.00pm... imagine the traffic jam at the Federal highway.

At the night there is a meeting for all the participants, about the rules...

In the morning before stretching and breakfast

After breakfast and warm up, the task begin at UM Swimming pool.

1. Check-Point: Kolam Renang UM Tugasan: Membuat perahu menggunakan kotak

ARAHAN: Kumpulan dikehendaki membina sebuah perahu dengan menggunakan peralatan yang telah disediakan dan hanya SEORANG ahli dari kumpulan anda perlu menyeberangi kolam ini. Kumpulan yang gagal menyelesaikan tigasan dalam masa 20 minit atau perahunya tenggelam, kumpulan akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 30 minit.
(Item given: 2 role of tape, 2 big black plastic bag, and 3 box)

Group A10 (my college team also...)

They constructing, I ready to get into water.

I start to bring the "perahu" cross the pool

Task done, get our next task

"CLUE: Selesai sudah cabaran pemanas badan dan cabaran seterusnya menanti anda di Central Market 1888. Bersegeralah kerana seorang laksamana sedang menanti anda di sana.

Is not easy to run from UM swimming pool to the nearest LRT station, because from swimming to UM front main gate is 1.2km....

A10 participant is trying very hard

Straight forward-->>

I can confirm with you than when you reach the end of the pool, you have no energy to continue run anymore

A bit stupid when we reach Central Market, we directly run into the building and search for clue, but at last the laksamana is under the bridge in front of the Central Market. Over there, we lost until number 6, where we should be the 2nd by that time.
2. Check-Point: Central Market 1888 Tugasan: Mewarna Bendera Malaysia

ARAHAN: Kumpulan dikehendaki mewarnakan bendera Malaysia. Masa diberikan selama 20 minit. Sekiranya tugasan gagal diselesaikan ATAU pewarnaan bendera tidak mengikut warna asal dalam masa yang ditetapkan, kumpulan akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 15 minit.

My representative coloring.... They are not allowed to follow us when on the game. So after colouring we got our Malaysia Flag, and we get our next clue. We took LRT from Univeristy to Pasar Seni.

*CLUE: Kumpulan dikehendaki mencari tempat pertemuan 2 buah sungai di mana terdapat sebuah Masjid. Setetusnya, carilah Raja Burger di sana.

Reached the Burger King and now opening the task

3. Check-Point: Masjid Jamek Tugasan: Tulis nama tempat-tempat bersejarah mengikut turutan.
ARAHAN: Kumpulan diberi masa selama 10 saat untuk mengingati nama-nama tempat yang disenaraikan. Dalam masa 5 minit, tulis semula nama-nama tempat tersebut mengikut turutan yang betul di dalam kertas yang disediakan. Sekiranya terdapat kesalahan nama tempat atau turutan, kumpulan akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 3 minit bagi SETIAP SATU KESALAHAN.

We have no idea at all, what is going to be in the list. When we are ready to open it, it contained of 20 places. We were stunt and after that, we only get 1 correct and causes us PENALTI 57 minutes...

A lot of people get PENALTI of 60 minutes.... So our lecturer meet up...

Everyone was desperate.

After waiting for so long, we get out next clue.

*CLUE: Putera dan Puteri dikehendaki pergi mencari Laksamana Hang Tuah di rumah pasung yang dibina pada tahun 1895.

PERINGATAN: hanya 15 pasukan terawal sahaja dari setiap kategori akan meneruskan perjuanagan ke tugasan seterusnya.

As the rare word pop out, we called for help. Luckily, we phone our lecturer he told us that pasung is lokap or something and Ong searched the google and found that the prison built at Hang Tuah is 1895. So we headed there.

We get our next task in front of the Pudu Jail.
4. Check-Point: Penjara Pudu Tugasan : Membaca Rukun Negara bersama-sama dengan orang awam

ARAHAN: Kumpulan dikehendaki menulis 5 prinsip Rukun Negara mengikuti turutan yang betul dan tunjuk kepada Petugas check-point. Kemudian, cari 3 orang awam (berlainan bangsa) dan ajak mereka membaca Ruku Negara bersama-sama (dengan suara yang kuat dan bersemangat) di hadapan pintu utama Penjara Pudu. Kumpulan diberi masa selama untuk menyelesaikan keseruluhan tugasan ini. Kumpulan yang gagal menyelesaikan tugasan yang diberi dalam masa yang ditetapkan, akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 30 minit 15 minit.

This is the hardest part. That time most of the people who walk across from the Star Line to Bukit Bintang is Malay and Chinese. You can't find any Indian also... Luckily after hard finding, we found everyone. (is not easy, under the superb hot sun, everyone is sweating... and not comfort and our 3 nation want to 'cabut')

After passed, we have another clue.

*CLUE: Sekarang Pergilah mencari harimau yang sedang menjaga wang di sebuah bukit yang bersinar seperti sinar bintang di waktu malam.

This time, we donno where is the Maybank at Bukit Bintang. So we used Loon's hp GPS. We took the longer road already since the GPS can navigate us to use where car goes...
5. Check-Point: Bukit Bintang Tugasan: Menjual Barang Kepada orang awam (Power Bar)

ARAHAN: Kumpulan dikehendaki menjual barang yang telah disediakan kepada orang awam. Kumpulan perlu mendapatkan hasil jualan barang sebanyak Rm10.00. Kumpulan diberi masa selama 30 minit untuk menyelesaikan tugasan. Kumpulan yang gagal menyelesaikan tugasan akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 20 minit.

PERINGATAN: Sekiranya kumpulan didapati tidak jujur iaitu mnggunakan wang sendiri bagi tugasan ini, kumpula akan disingkirkan daripada pertandingan.

Over here, we are very lucky that we sold to someone not more than 3 minutes, a couple sit under beside the coffee shop.

I heard my lecturer said, some of the group really have a very difficulties in selling the Power Bar

Some even sell with what they bring on eg: mineral and others

After this another clue.

*CLUE: Sekarang pergilah ke Medan Tuanku. Wnag Rm10.00 bakal digunakan untuk tugasan seterusnya.

This is the most blur part I have.

6. Check-Point: Medan Tuanku Tugasan: Makan Roti canai dan teh tarik

ARAHAN: Ini adalah tugasan "de tour". Kumpulan perlu MEMILIH satu daripada dua tugasan yang disediakan. Selesaikan tugasan anda dalam masa 15 minit bagi mendapatkan arahan seterusnya. Sekiranya kumpulan gagal menyelesaikan tugasan dalam masa yang diberikan, kumpulan akan dikenakan PENALTI selama 15 minit.

We chosen a task and this is it.

(TUGASAN A): Dalam masa 15 minit, kira dan nyatakan jumlah anak Syarikat Ukhuwah yang terdapat di sekitar kawasan ini. BETUL - Guna wang RM10.00 hasil jualan dari tugasan sebelumnya untuk menjamu selera di Restoran 1 Malaysia.
PERINGATAN: Resit makanan adalah bahan bukti

So, over here we counted like hell, run and run around. So we come out with an answer of 9. Is wrong and we still have 7 minutes left. As I asked, we can try as many time as we can, so I tried 10 and 11. And we got it 11. We drank and eat and brought the resit back. Next we get the CLUE.

*CLUE: Suria kata lamanya... Cepatlah Cari, petro dah lama menanti, dalam ayat ini ada sesuatu yang tersembunyi, kalau tuanku seorang yang bijak, cepat, cepatlah cari.

PERINGATAN: Hanya 10 PASUKAN TERAWAL sahaja yang dibenarkan untik meneruskan perlumbaan untuk merebut hadiah lumanyan di akhir perjuangan!!

KLCC was our next destination. We travel from Medan Tuanku to Bukit Nanas and ran to KLCC. That is hardcore man, running with other two teams.

And the check point in at Petrosains.

7. Check-Point: Petrosains
(this check point task was vanish in the UM Tasik when carried out task...) We sent Loon and Goo into the petrosains to pass the task. After they finished, they get their next clue.
*CLUE: Setelah penat seharian berlari, Kini tiba masanya untuk kembali, Tasik UM sedang menanti, Tugasan seterusnya akan diberi. PERINGATAN: Setelah mendapatkan clue ini, kumpulan dikehendaki meninta bantuan daripada staf/sukarelawan Petrosains untik menggunakan jalan pintas :bypass" untuk keluar dari kawasan Petrosains, balik ke UM.

We took the LRT from KLCC back to Univeristy Station. I used my hp's goolge maps to search for the lake and found it. We rush down the LRT and run direct to the lake. When we reach there, the first team is on his last task of the four at UM lake.

8.Check-Point: Tasik Versity Tugasan: Flying Fox and berkayak

ARAHAN: Terdapat 3 stesen di dalam tugasan ini. Di stesen no1, 2 orang ahli dikehendaki melakukan flying fox ( ahli ke-2 akan membawa bedera yang disediakan). Bendera hendaklah diserahkan kepada ahli ke-3 yang menunggu di Stesen No.2 yang kemudiannya melakukan activity berkayak hingga ke pontoon di hujung tasik (stesen no.3). Bendera hendaklah diserahkan kepada ahli ke-4 hendaklah membawa bendera kembali ke Stesen No.2. Semua 4 ahli kumpulan hendaklah berkumpul kembali di Stesen No.2 dalam masa 25 minit. Jika Gagal, PENALTI dikenakan selama 20 minit.

So after decided, Loon and I will fly the fox, Goo and Ong will canoe.

For those who see it easy but actually you did't play before is a hard one. Goo and Ong hit the lake side several times... We get our next clue after 4 all had done.

*CLUE: Setelah penat beraksi, pergilah kumpulan ke "nombor 2010" (mercu tanda UM). Tempatnya berhampiran dengan lampu lampu ajaib.

9. Check-Point: Hadapan Mercu Tanda "UNIVERSITY MALAYA 2010" Tugasan: Makan roti (baquette) dan minum air mineral (botal kecil)

ARAHAN: Kumpulan dikehendaki menghabiskan roti yang telah disediakan tanpa berbaki. Hanya sebotal air mineral sahaja akan diseduakan.

Overall, this is the most stupid station. The bread is so hard, and OMG you must finished. You rushed when you saw other team around~~ This picture show only left 4 team. When we arrive we are the second team, the table is full with breads. After finished, we get the next clue.

*CLUE: Setelah kenyangmenikmati kelazatan roti dan air mineral, kumpulan dikehendaki pergi ke tempat letak kereta di hadapan Ambang Asuhan Jepun (AAJ)

10.Check-Point: (we also lost this task as the great discoveries ahead.) This tak actually called us to count the rubber band in a bottle full with fresh eggs. We take it out and count. Only one answer can be given, if wrong PENALTI 15 minutes. As counted 3 times, we confirmed 69 pieces total. We got it write and the next clue is to go back to the start/end.

Here we are, PSA Warrior A09 won second place and PSA Gladiator A10 won the fifth place.

The Ending Ceremony

The closing ceremony.



PSA teams total brought back RM1250, with RM1000 and Rm250

A newspaper cut from Sinar

We won 2nd place for CAT A, RM1000.00 total

We are CAT A GROUP 09
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