Saturday, 27 June 2009
Mid term Holidays
I wonder that yesterday officially ended my semester three on job training at MAS. With briefing from the development and operation superintendent, we suggested alot of thing to change for the future of training. So I guess there will be no one dare to take photos inside the conference room. So the briefing ended with much more hope but not lost. Some how I bought my bus ticket to go back to hometown at tomorrow Sunday early in the morning leaving Shah Alam bus station at 9.30am.
For me there is no rest for this 2 weeks holiday because when the school started will be my module 15, gas turbine. So, to be more ready I have to finish the book in my holiday time. The truth is, every holiday I have is 100% holiday. I love holiday but no money to travel, that is the most worst thing to have in holiday. Went to swimming, cinema, shopping and e.t.c. mostly will be alone cause no one is there anymore since the university start the class at 28 June where the day I'm going back home. So everyone is leaving to pursuit their future.
Maybe the first thing I will do is went to cinema to watch Transformer 2 alone i guess in the most early show to avoid crowd and also relax in the big cinema with less than 20 people watching. One of my friend who went the Kerachut Beach with me will depart tomorrow to university Terrengganu Malaysia for his Degree in Bio Marine. This is a nice course and I will visit him when the turtles are there to lay their eggs. Than I have the chances to travel to east Malaysia. On behave to catch up with him, I must learn diving also as he will when doing research at the sea and prehaps Redang Island? Wonderful places to study and research.
Thinking of the flu, that why I travel by bus to avoid more contact with other people. Mostly I will travel by train but since I have to went to KL to take my trip, that will be disaster if I meet the flu. So I try to find some places to go and take some shots and find internet to upload it into my blog. Is not a long holiday as I will be back to Shah Alam to register at 16th July. So is a short holiday of course. Will be back soon.
Friday, 26 June 2009
Boeing 747
Wednesday, 24 June 2009
Tuesday, 23 June 2009
Basket Vs Tennis
Saturday, 20 June 2009
Not What I Want 2
Found of that they can live without me also, cause each depend on each others. So other experiment just go on. try other method to give them the job. Maybe I will have some difficulties when updating my blog next time because after my Streamyx terminated, P1Wimax coverage does not enter my area. So must see what happens next.
Thursday, 18 June 2009
Not What I Want
Is again taken some time to write about myself. Just recently, experiments are running to test weather self sustain able or not to further planning. Time taken to have feedback, as I silence for my own right until they start do what I wanted to. The internet (Streamyx) will be terminate as soon as it contract come to the end. This is my first step to step in further to teach them to behave as a teenager to learn what they need to self sustain when alone.
From my observation, other than the business housemates, I have no other better words for my other housemates. As time goes by, thing started to change perpendicular to the aspect of life, as human being does. So I tried to change to get back my better life. Soon after the great discoveries, things are nothing so well, conflicts, matters and questions raise as mushroom after the rain. Trying to found out that the housework is can be say totally done me alone. What the point of staying together after all? Sharing a room a house which done by just a candidate? Is like planting a garden which take care by a gardener.
I was very disappointed by my housemate and even my classmate. Nothing more or less in my class 14 people, I dare to say only Hazim and I followed the laws. That will discuss later on. In my opinion of justification, I cannot scold them, as they are my same level. I cannot force them as they raise the black parade again me. I cannot comments as they will complaints more. So what can I do? I tried and tried, but is still the same, where chinese idiom said "to learn to be bad just 3 days, but to learn to be good need 3 years" ; "to change the hearth in someone is hard enough". Finding some solutions is the hard one. Discussed with Hazim that he is also the one same like me in the house. Where else he is better than mine because 50% his housemate done the job. But for mine sorry to say is 0%.
As this I know how my grandny felt when cleaning up the house so desperately where no one help her, the tired, the anger, the must has lead to no end. I learned all this from my grandny who was a great lady who fight for life in the past. I help her do as it become automatic when I saw dirt on the floor which I cannot with stand it. So is just like they are came from rich family or I can say golden child which never done their homework at home. Not I gonna blame thier parents or anyone else, just they must know the simple basic of life. Maye they know but never applied it. Maybe they just think, yeah there will be someone to help me clean my place and the house, so I just wait. Maybe they think that is not their job,so do I? Maybe they think they are busy enough to take of their laptop, which forums, news? Maybe they don't border at all. maybe they did not have any hygeine on themself. To much of prediction have me suffer. So just forget about it.
So let say about toilet. There are two toilet in my rented house, one is at the outside and one is in my room. The outside just forget it because we dont use that. So just one toilet used by 5 people. You can see the dirt in on the toilet bowl, the wall, the sink and the drain. No one cares about it. I try to stand as long as I can to fight with them but at last I surrender because I cant stand anymore. Just imagine the toilet, how about the floor? The kitchen? The door entry where shoses are kept and the rubbish can. All are up to me.
I was so anger and indeed half year has passed. I be doing the same job after and after. They will pretend and pretend nothing going wrong. That day I do a house keeping for the whole house at Saturday, NO ONE help me! All just sit infront of the computer and doing what I donno. This is a serious matter. Mostly now weekends I will spend my time doing this kind of things, house keeping, but for the long hell time for what I done, seriously no one help me before. No one automaticly sweep the floor, clean the toilet, mop the floor, change the rubbish bags. The most funny thing I found was I tried to tie up the rubbish bag which going to full position and I still let it in the can, so I can see someone can do a job by pick it up change a new plastic bag and throw the rubbish away. Not like this, what they do is, they open back the tie and keep going to throw until overfill. Overfill I will done the cleaning job, what is the world is this.?????
There is too much to say on them for half year man!!!. Everyday is happening. So move to other topic. From the start they we are fresh so we followed as mentioned, but when time goes by most of them grow two more horns on the head. So what so interesting about it is they went back home when the training time. I know they are smart, they are intelligent but disobey the law not the good ones. Some reasons bring them to this stages. First I found out is sleep. They slept mostly 1 to 2 am in the morning so what about wake up? Sure will be very tired. The claim there is no job to do at the hangar... I have nothing to say. Some of my housemate are different group from me. So what I see is they sign in and out but without time. So they went back home and sleep, the rest will take care by people who stay at hangar. That find because is not my group, but once upon a time, my group member and is my housemate done it for the first time. I felt so depress as why they want to do this. As I did not blame them to call me go back by bus because the transport is not mine. Just the feeling of hiding the truth is the hard one.
I do not know how to lie, to save them I have to do to stay with them, the group, the class, the members. What if I stand out and poke thei back and tell the truth? There will be disaster. So what can I do? Other than Hazim no one I can promise my promise. Yeah they know I am a schematic person. So laws are laws. Headache when start to think about it.
My point is easy as long as they start doing the housework, that will be fine. I will sound up back. Internet is the first action of my plan and not to sound up. If not my second plan is not as good as the first plan. As someone know and someone do not know.
Ong's Birthday 15th June
Sunday, 14 June 2009
In a lively show, mathemagician Arthur Benjamin races a team of calculators to figure out 3-digit squares, solves another massive mental equation and guesses a few birthdays. How does he do it? He’ll tell you.
Low-Cost Multi-point Interactive Whiteboards Using the Wiimote
I will try it out for my laptop when my financial is strong enough to buy a Wii remote. Hopeful the next semester, or when I sell of my hand phone again.
Since the Wiimote can track sources of infrared (IR) light, you can track pens that have an IR led in the tip. By pointing a wiimote at a projection screen or LCD display, you can create very low-cost interactive whiteboards or tablet displays. Since the Wiimote can track upto 4 points, up to 4 pens can be used. It also works great with rear-projected displays.
The calibration and mouse cursor emulation software is available for you to download and try yourself. Note: My mouse emulation code isn't perfect. If any of you are programmers and can get it working with Alias Sketchbook, drop me a line.
1. Connect your wiimote to your PC via Bluetooth. There are a number of tutorials online on how to do this, possibly even for you specific software/hardware configuration. The Wiimote works with many (but not all) Bluetooth drivers. You can report/read about compatibility issues at
2. Download the Wiimote Whiteboard software to the right. Please read the "READ ME.txt" file first! Make sure your wiimote is connected via Bluetooth, and then run the ".exe" in the main folder. NOTE: Good placement of the wiimote is key to good tracking. View the README for more info.
Multitouch: The multitouch demos are custom C# DirectX programs. You may download the sample program to the right, but this is provided for developers without support or documentation. The code is built on top of this Wiimote library. Unfortunately, multi-touch capable applications are currently extremely rare. Hopefully, that will change as more developers explore its potential.
Building pens: Here is a simple schematic of the light pen. The LEDs that I use are Vishay TSAL6400s running at 100mA, but lots of other LEDs will work too. You also might be able to jump start your experimentation by retro-fitting a mini keychain light with an IR LED. I'm currently looking into manufacturing and selling IR pens, but this may take several months.
Mac/Linux Versions: Due to personal time contraints, I probably won't be able to make a port myself. But fairly mature versions are available online. However, I haven't tried them myself. I've also created a Source Forge Project - Wiimote Whiteboard, but it does not seem to be getting much love.
A visit to this project's FAQ and Advanced Discussion post may be very englightening. You may also find the official discussion forums for my wiimote projects helpful:
Windows (32-bit)
Wiimote Whiteboard* (original 12/19/07) - includes source
Wiimote Whiteboard v0.2* (updated 3/27/08) - includes source
Wiimote Whiteboard v0.3* (updated 8/20/08) - includes source
* there appear to be some issues with 64-bit machines, and BlueSoleil. Alternative Bluetooth software may work. Check the forum for more info.
Mac (Java)
You can do a quick webserach or try the version created by uweschmidt which is a fairly mature Java-based version for Mac.
Multitouch:source code
Fun software (mostly free) to try with this:
Mapping software: Microsoft Virtual Earth, Google Earth
Physics simulation software: Phun
Virtual Tourism: Photosynth
Media Browsing: CoolIris
Painting progams: Alias Sketchbook Pro
Note taking:One Note
Handwritting recognition: Windows Tablet PC Edition - works great if you have it, not a stand alone program to install.
Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success
Richard St. John's 8 secrets of success are came from Passion, Work, Focus, Persist, Ideas, Good, Push and Serve. In his 3 minutes video conclude all this 8. Watch it and find a way to success. He done this because of a girl asked him what lead to success and he can't give her a good answer, so he started to find out. Here are the results.
You can download this video here.(Zipped MP4)
Richard St. John's 8 Secrets of Success
Richard St. John Profile on TED
Gapminder's World
Click to view or download and print here, or visit Gapminder.
For sources and full documentation, click here.
This is Gapminder HIV Chart 2009. The size of the country bubbles in the chart represents the Number of people living with HIV. The y-axis and x-axis shows Adult HIV prevalence rate and Income per person, respectively. Try to find out your country and the population of HIV.
Read more about HIV Trends in the blog: “See new surprising trends in HIV”
Click to view or download and print here, or visit Gapminder.
Documentation : HIV/AIDS: prevalence & number of people
Please note: Though we still provide the World Health Chart application, we encourage you to use the next generation of the World Health Chart - the Gapminder World. Gapminder World is a web service of the Gapminder Foundation. It is continually updated with the latest data from major institutions.
It can be used by:
- teachers and students of health, economics and demography
- professionals and policy makers in the health sector
- staff of international organizations
- researchers
- journalists
A presentation for UNDP Human Development Report 2005 in English and some other languages. Human Development Trends was produced in 2005.
Available in:
English, Danish, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Lithuanian, Norwegian, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Swedish.
For sources and full documentation click here.
You can download it here or visit Gapminder.
The impressive video tell you all about the graphs and charts.
Hans Rosling Shows the best stats you've ever seen.
You can download this video here.
Links :
Gapminder World
Gapminder Downloads Page