
Friday, 16 October 2009

Bank Soalan SPM

Somehow I found this web site which I think is superd helpful for those who having their SPM this year which just around the corner. Why I want to share this to everyone because last time there is no such this in one web site we can have all state examination papers.

So to practice it was a bit hard. What I found is the questions on these papers are also spot questions which also got chances to pop out in SPM questions. In real life yes, I found this happened before. What I live in a city where education is the most sensitive part to talk of. To get those question papers are not easy, money will talks that time. In such you must pay, you must get some tuitor who really help his/her student in getting those information which they have to pay also. So for those who will have their SPM this year, please have a look on these papers. I swear it will help you a lot.

Here is the link to download the question papers:

P/S: What I can say is it almost have all the subjects, so get ahead. Just curious why don't have my year 2006 questions.

1 comment:

  1. younger generation is luckier and luckier.. compared to us..


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