
Wednesday, 28 September 2011

A Hot Day At Tarmac

B737 is being cut off in front of MAS AMU Hangar 5 where the B747 his big bro is scraped. It was a hot day and I enjoyed very much since working in the hangar for so long.

That one...

Raymond is taking a break

So Teng is in-charge to remove NLG

Soo Teng Assistance

Is a very hot day and dry air.


  1. really nice clear and crisp pictures Yuing Tian. Whcih camera did you use? The one on your phone?
    How come you are tearing down a B737? Those aircraft are not very old are they?

  2. Yeah, all taken by my phone camera.
    The 737 no one want to buy because have to undergo D check. Quite old already since it was first use of airasia until now is 10 years.


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